This Will Shakes, and Never Dissapear

Thursday, December 30, 2010


I am in the state of considering wheteher I will keep holding on, to spend my only time left with my goat or take the option of euthanasia. With the critical stage of thumb cancer that have been suffering all this long, euthanasia is the only option left for me to end this final chapter of my life.


Just kidding, thumb cancer? Really?

Speaking of euthanasia, what in the tapir's name is that?

Is this euthanasia?

According to, euthanasia is the intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit.So if death is not intended, it is not an act of euthanasia. Thus, some medical actions that are often labeled "passive euthanasia" are no form of euthanasia, since the intention to take life is lacking. These acts include not commencing treatment that would not provide a benefit to the patient, withdrawing treatment that has been shown to be ineffective, too burdensome or is unwanted, and the giving of high doses of pain-killers that may endanger life, when they have been shown to be necessary. All those are part of good medical practice, endorsed by law, when they are properly carried out.

In some source, euthanasia is painless killing, but for me, there are nothing in the world that are more painful than death. In fact, death by euthanasia, more painful than natural death. So I think, we might want to give them or ourselves, some mercy, in spending our life, enduring every last ache in our body, because it will erase our past sins.


  1. Where Thou Art? OR Where Art Thou?

  2. Where Thou Art is taken from one of Emily Dickinson's famous poems, "Where Thou art--that--is Home", that has the same meaning, but deeper with Where Art Thou, from Shakespeare's famous sonnet.


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