This Will Shakes, and Never Dissapear

Monday, July 19, 2010

I'm a boring creature, thanks to you...

So today, we're gonna learn how to solve the algebra problem. First of all, stick out your middle finger to your girlfriend and shout, "hey, what a nice dress you have here, I love you babe"..

I'm sorry, I don't know what I'm talking about, but guess what, the president of your country also don't give a shit what's he is babbling about on that nice looking podifuckingum, as long as what he read on that piece of crap, sounds good and can win a fucking election. You know, we always think that a snail who creeping slowly on the grass, is a boring creature and of course don't have life. But I think, they are the only creature who spend most of their times thinking of the matter of this world. What a snail...

"We are the standout shout! This world unfair! We want a change!" Hey, grow up please, you don't want someone get close to you, and realize that your ball has been crushed hard. Don't be a poser, be a man!..Act speak louder than your mom...

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